Editor/Publisher, Bina Sharif

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

"DIMANCHE" at BAM Fisher Hall

      "DIMANCHE" at BAM    From left: Sicaire Durieux and Sandrine Heyraud

The most fantastic and magical spectacle at BAM regarding the devestation of climate crisis.

Written and directed by Sicaire Durieux, Sandrine Heyraud and Julie Tenret. Trust me, there is no actor or performer in town right now who can match these artist's talent. This brilliantly theaterical show is by the superb Belgian company, CieFocus & ChaLiwate'.

 It is an extreme joy to watch so much brightness of talent about a devastatingly bleak subject matter such as the havoc on earth created by the climate disater.

From the beginning to the the very end of this surreal and fascinating fast paced, 75 minute long show, you will be riveted to the fact and amazement that so much ability of all kinds, movement, acting, puppeteering, writing, directing is embeded in these blessed bodies and minds.

Dimanche consists of different vignettes. Three reporters in a van trying to document the wild life near the snow clad glaciers, perhaps at the Arctic Circle. It's as physical as it can get. One of the greatest Puppet of a polar bear on a glacier and the Cub coming out and going right back in and finally lost at the ocean when the iceberg separate and finally breaks losing the Cub for ever. We watch in awe of the puppeteers ability.

Next vignette takes place in a dining room of a house. An old lady, (the greatest puppet ever made, coming downstairs in a mechanical chair, which stops and begins again and she is exhausted and have a little stroke, finally sits and rests on a chair. The room is so hot that multiple fans absolutely are of no use. Everything is flying off with the sudden gush of awful wind, the whole dinner including the plates and utensils fly away, the chairs melt, rain pours, everything is flooded, inhabitants of that room hang on to whatever they can for their lives but to no avail. There are storms, floods, howling wind, great flamingo puppet torn into pieces, a sad and devastating picture of precarious conditions because of the traged of climate change everywhere. I have never seen a stunningly beautiful performance,  at times hilarious about such a sad and tragic subject. If you have the chance to catch only one show in your life, run to Bam to see Dimanche. This great experience will stay with you for a long time.

                                           Flamingo Puppet from "DIMANCHE"

Reviewed by Bina Sharif

ATCA (Member of American theater critic's association)Editor/



